Native language of Indonesian people is Bahasa Indonesia, but most residents of Indonesia are able to speak English. however, it is not to be assumed all can speak English.
The currency used throughout the country is the Indonesian rupiah. Most cities in Indonesia will accept Mastercard or Visa Credit Card, ATMs and money changer can be found also in the most cities in Indonesia. Cash is recommended for travel to more rural areas.
Indonesia is in the Indochina Time Zone, or UTC+07:00.
The best time to travel to Indonesia is during the dry season, which starts in May and ends in October.
Indonesia is a relatively safe country both in the rural countryside as well as in larger cities. As always, travelers need to be aware of their surroundings and use common sense when venturing out at night, but crime rates in general are very low, particularly against tourists. The most common issue reported are pickpockets when visiting crowded marketplaces or shopping areas.
The tap water is generally NOT safe to drink anywhere in Indonesia. Bottled water is readily available at tourist sites, hotels, & restaurants, and hot water (boiled to make it safe to drink) or hot tea is generally offered with a meal at a restaurant. Travelers can also use bottled water when brushing teeth, just as an extra precaution.
Yes, so long as your carrier has not locked your phone and it is possible to operate on their network. You should contact your phone carrier to find out if your phone will work properly. Network access in the islands and more remote areas may be spotty or non-existent, so plan to be off the grid for any days outside of main urban areas. Upon arrival you can find a shop outside that is usually selling local SIM cards for a few dollars. It is advised to also double check your international calling rates with your provider.
Indonesia’s main form of transportation within the country is via minibus that are used for local transportation around towns and cities.
During this COVID-19 Pandemic outbreak, Visa On Arrival is required to enter Indonesia from these following country:

South Africa, United State Of America, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Netherlands, Belarus Belgium, Bosnia Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Philippines, Finland, Hongkong, Hungary, India, United Kingdom, Ireland,Italy, Japan, Germany, Cambodia, Canada, South Korea, Croatia, Kuwait, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Morocco, Mexico, Egypt, Myanmar, Norway, Oman, France, Peru, Poland, Portugal,Qatar, Romania, Russia, New Zealand, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor Leste, People's Republic of China, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Ukraine, Vietnam, Jordan, Greece.

( Updated 30 May 2022 )
During this COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, the ports that can be passed are limited as follows:

> Airports:
- Soekarno Hatta International Airport ( Jakarta )
- Ngurah Rai International Airport ( Bali )
- Kualanamu International Airport ( North Sumatera )
- Juanda International Airport ( East Java )
- Hasanuddin International Airport ( South Sulawesi )
- Sam Ratulangi International Airport ( North Sulawesi )
- Yogyakarta International Airport ( Yogyakarta )
- Hang Nadim International Airport ( Riau Islands )
- Zainuddin Abdul Majid International Airport ( Lombok )

> Seaports
- Benoa Seaport ( Bali )
- Nongsa Terminal Bahari Seaport ( Riau Island )
- Batam Center Seaport ( Riau Island )
- Sekupang Seaport ( Riau Island )
- Citra Tri Tunas Seaport ( Riau Island )
- Marina Teluk Senimba Seaport ( Riau Island )
- Bandar Bentan Telani Lagoi Seaport ( Riau Island )
- Bandar Seri Udana Lobam Seaport ( Riau Island )
- Sri Bintan Pura Seaport ( Riau Island )

( Updated 30 May 2022 )
The are several requirements for entering Indonesia during this pandemic outbreak:

- Comply with the provisions of the health protocol set by the Government.
- Show negative results through the RT-PCR test in the country/region of origin whose samples were taken within a maximum period of 2 x 24 hours before departure and attached at the time of the health check or "e-HAC"
- Have downloaded the "Peduli Lindung" application and filled out the "Indonesian e-HAC".
- Show second dose of COVID-19 vaccinated certificate (physical or digital) at least 14 (fourteen) days before departure and must be written in English.
- For those who unable to get second dose of COVID-19 vaccine, due to special health conditions or comorbid diseases or people with aged under 18 years old. RT-PCR test must be taken at the Indonesia entry point with negative result.
- For those who has been confirmed positive for COVID-19 with maximum of 30 days before departure and has been declared inactive in transmitting, it is excluded from the obligation to show a vaccination card/certificate and able to show negative RT-PCR result, also obliged to perform RT-PCR upon arrival and attach a doctor's certificate or a COVID19 recovery Certificate from the Government Hospital of the country of departure or the ministry that organizes the health sector in the country of departure stating that they are no longer actively transmitting COVID-19.

( Updated 06 April 2022 )
Quarantine arrangement upon arrival in Indonesia is subject to the following conditions:

- Quarantine is not required for those who are not showing the symptoms of COVID-19 and able to show negative results through the RT-PCR test in the country/region of origin whose samples were taken within a maximum period of 2 x 24 hours before departure and also have second dose of COVID-19 vaccine at least 14 (fourteen) days before departure.
- Quarantine is not required for those with special health conditions or comorbid diseases that cause travelers not to and/or unable to take part in the COVID-19 vaccination. But, have to show a doctor's certificate from the Government Hospital of the country of departure stating that the person concerned has not and/or is unable to take part in the COVID-19 vaccination and not showing the symptoms of COVID-19 upon arrival and must taken RT-PCR test upon arrival in Indonesia with negative result.
- Quarantine arrangements for those who are under 18 years old and/or need special protection are follow the provisions imposed on their parents or caregivers/travel companions.
- Quarantine is required for 5 X 24 Hours for those who have not been able to get second dose vaccinated or have only received the first dose of vaccine at least 14 days before departure.
- Quarantine is required until the results of the RT-PCR test show negative results for those who are showing the symptoms of COVID-19 upon arrival in Indonesia.

( Updated 06 April 2022 )